Windmill Lane Recording Studios knocked!

by | May 21, 2015 | Blog

U2 recorded their first album ‘Boy’ in Windmill Lane Studios (Dublin 2) in the 1980s. Apparently the drums for ‘Boy’ were recorded in the reception of the studios after hours (when phones had stopped ringing!) as the producer wanted to achieve the wonderful clattery sound you hear in songs such as ‘I will follow’. Other artists such as Van Morrison, Sinead O’Connor and Elvis Costello also recorded there and according to the locals, Lady Gaga has been spotted in the neighbourhood! 😉

While the Windmill Lane Studios have since relocated the original building has become a cult symbol and tourist attraction; its walls a canvas for graffiti artists and a backdrop for photoshoots and videos.

As I have passed it on almost a daily basis over the last few years I have enjoyed seeing the moving canvas; the graffiti morphing quite regularly from one expression to the next. Sometimes there are some real show stoppers and out of respect they are left to bask in the limelight for quite some time, providing both Irish and foreign tourist’s with striking souvenir snaps of the ‘U2 studios’ and their surroundings.

Given its prime location the building and surrounding area have long been under the watchful eye of developers and after many attempts to gain planning permission the council has finally granted it and Windmill Lane as we know it is no more. It therefore seems a good time to share our record of this transient backdrop since Georgia in Dublin’s first shoot there..So long Yosemite Sam, Tom and all the other characters we’ve so enjoyed!

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